Zika virus outbreak in India

Zika virus outbreak in India


5 year old from karnataka become first victim of zika virus. The test sample of three patients were sent to pune labortory on 5th of December and the report of samples come out on 8 of December resulting in two out of three are negative and one positive.

The girl with zika virus was being treated in the District hospital at Raichur in Karnataka but now shifted to vijaynagar institute of medical sciences,Billari.

The higher health official notified in Raichur and surrounding area that anyone having such symptoms immedietly rush to hospital.

zika virus belongs to Flaviviridae family of viruses. zika virus spreaded by the bite of infected aedes mosquito  (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus).

Mode of Transmission:

 zika virus transmitted from infected person to healthy by:
1. Bite of infected aedes mosquito.
2. Through sex.
3. From pregnant women to her foetus.
4. By transfusion of blood.

Symptoms of zika virus:

The person infected by this virus shows either no symptoms in some cases but most common symptoms are:
  1. High Fever.
  2. Rashes over body.
  3. conjunctivitis (pinkeye).
  4. Headache.
  5. Joint and Muscle pain.


As of now there is no available vaccine or medicine available for cure of zika virus


Doctors can check people for Zika by doing blood tests or urine (pee) tests.

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