Chillai Kalan

Chillai Kalan

Chillai Kalan
Children wearing Phirans during chillai Kalan

Meaning of Chillai Kalan

Chillai Kalan, a combination of two Persian words–chilla and Kalan, separately meaning as a solitary retreat or 'major cold'. It is a 40 days harsh winter condition in kashmir. It is the most coldest period of the year.The winter season of kashmir is divided into three parts called chilas i.e Chillai Kalan,Chillai Khord (little winter) and Chillai Bacchi (baby winter).The winter season generally last for 3 months. chillai kalan starts from 21st of December and ends on 31st of January next year.During this period the temperature in the valley reaches lowest and the famous Dal lake freezes.The people wears kashmiri tradational pheran and also use kangri(earthern pot with fire).The first day of Chillai kalan is celebrated as world pheran day.The life in kashmir during this period of winter become difficult as the snow covers the whole valley and temperature also drops below zero degree celcius. chillai kalan is followed by Chillai Khurd (little winter) which last for about 20 days. The last period of winter season is Chillai Baccha (baby winter) which last for 10 days.


 1. What is 40 days of cold in Kashmir called?

The period of 40 days of cold in Kashmir called chillai kalan

  2. What is Chillai Kalan associated with?

It is associated with winter season of kashmir.Chillan kalan is the coldest period of winter season in kashmir valley.

  3.  Where does the word Chillai Kalan come from? 

Chillai Kalan, a combination of two Persian words–chilla and Kalan, separately meaning as a solitary retreat or 'major cold'. 

  4. What is the time period of Chillai Kalan?

Chillai kalan last for 40 days.Its time period starts from 21st of December and ends on 31st January next year. 

  5. What is Chilla Bacha in Kashmir?

It is a short winter period in Kashmir. It last for about 10 days.

 6. How many days are Chillai Khurd?

Chillai Khurd is a period of 20 days.It starts after the end of Chillai Kalan.

  7. Which time snowfall is best in Kashmir? 

snowfall is best in Kashmir from December-February. 

  8. What is Chilla Bacha in Kashmir? 

It is period of 10 days of winter in Kashmir.After this the winter in Kashmir ends.

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