MCQs on J & K History part 1 JKSSB

MCQs on J & K History part 1 JKSSB


Here is the mcqs on History of j&k.To attempt this click on right option it turns into green while wrong option turns to red avoid clicking show answer button MCQs on J & K History

MCQs on J & K History

MCQs on J&K History

Question 1:

Mahmud of Ghazni invaded Jammu during the reign of

Question 2:

The last Sikh Governor of Kashmir was?

Question 3:

Kashmir became a part of Lahore Darbar in which year?

Question 4 :

Which Treaty was signed between Maharaja Gulab Singh and British Government on March 16, 1846?

Question 5 :

Which Treaty was signed between Sikhs and British Government on March 9, 1846?

Question 6 :

Maharaj Hari Singh signed the instrument of accession on?

Question 7 :

The meaning of Rajatarangini is ?

Question 8 :

The fourth Buddist council was held during the reign of

Question 9 :

The Sikhs ruled in Kashmir between?

Question 10:

The Afghans ruled Kashmir for?

Question 11:

Banihal cart Road was built during rule of?

Question 12:

During which Korkota Dynasty ruler Chinese Pilgrim 'Hieun Tsang' visited ?

Question 13:

According to Kalhana's Rajatarangini, the first ruler of Kashmir was?

Question 14:

Who built the world famous Martand Sun Temple in Jammu and Kashmir?

Question 15 :

Which among the following was the founder of the Karkota Dynasty?

Part 2

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