class 6 geography chapter 1 mcq

class 6 geography chapter 1 mcq


Mcqs on The Earth in our solar system

1. The planet known as the “Earth’s Twin” is

A) Jupiter
B) Saturun
C) Venus
D) Mars
The correct answer is C) Venus.

Due to similarities in size,shape and compostion.Venus is often reffered to as twin of Earth

2. Which is the third nearest planet to the sun ?

a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Jupiter
d) Earth

The correct answer is d) Earth .

The order of Planets from Sun is Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars, Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune.

Trick to remember this is 'My Efficient Mother Just Served Us Nuts'

3. All the planets move around the sun in a

a) Circular orbit
b) Elliptical orbit
c) Rectangular orbit
d) None of the above

The correct answer is b) Elliptical.

All planets move around sun in a fixed path which is elliptical.

4. The Pole Star indicates the direction to the

The correct answer is A) North

In the ancient time people use this star to navigate.In the Northern Hemisphere this Pole star determine the direction of true North.

5. Asteroids are found between the orbits of

A).Saturn and Jupiter
B).Mars and Jupiter
C).The Earth and Mars
D).Saturun and Uranus
The correct answer is B).Mars and Jupiter.

The asteriod belt is a region between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.This belt contains millions of rocky objects which are remnats from early solar system formation.

6. A constellation is a group of

A). Planets
B). Stars
C). Galaxies
D). satellites
The correct answer is B). Stars .

Constelltion is a group of stars which make unique pattern in the night sky.

7. Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on surface of

D).Milky way
The correct answer is C) Moon

Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on Moon surface on 20 July 1969

8. The name of our galaxy is

A). Andromeda
B).Milky way
D).Black hole
The correct answer is B) Milky way

Our galaxy name is Milky way which is spiral in shape.Our solar system is located in Galantic disc region of Milkyway galaxy

9. Which of the following Planet is called 'Blue Planet'

The correct answer is B) Earth

when seen from space due to its major proportion of water it appears as Blue

10. which of the following planet doesnot have rings

The correct answer is D) Mercury

There are planets in solar system which have rings around them.The most prominent rings are present in saturn.Apart from Saturn Jupiter,Uranus and Neptune have rings which are fainter than saturn rings.

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