JKBOSE Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India JKBOSE/NCERT

JKBOSE Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India JKBOSE/NCERT


 Chapter 2: Physical Features of India 

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

(i) A landmass bounded by the sea on three sides is referred to as

(a) Coast

(b) Island

(c) Peninsula

(d) None of the above

(ii) Mountain ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with Myanmar are collectively called

(a) Himachal

(b) Uttarakhand

(c) Purvachal

(d) None of the above

(iii) The western coastal strip, south of Goa is referred to as

(a) Coromandel

(b) Konkan

(c) Kannad

(d) Northern Circar

(iv) The highest peak in the Eastern Ghats is

(a) Anai Mudi

(b) Kanchenjunga

(c) Mahendragiri

(d) Khasi

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) What is the bhabar?

Answer: The bhabar is a narrow belt lying parallel to the Shiwalik mountain slopes where rivers deposit pebbles after descending from the mountains.

ii) Name the three major divisions of the Himalayas from north to south

Answer: The Himalayas consist of three major divisions: the Great or Inner Himalayas (Himadri), the Himachal or Lesser Himalaya, and the Outer Himalayas or Shiwaliks.

(iii) Which plateau lies between the Aravali and the Vindhya ranges?

Answer: The Malwa plateau lies between Aravali and Vindhya ranges.
(iv) Name the island group of India having a coral origin.

Answer: The Lakshadweep Islands, an island group of India, have a coral origin.

3. Distinguish between

(i) Bhangar and Khadar
The largest part of the northern plain is composed of older alluvium known as bhangar. Bhangar lies above the flood plains of the rivers and exhibits a terrace-like feature.

khadar refers to the newer, younger deposits of the flood plains. Khadar soil contains calcareous deposits called kankar and is fertile due to annual renewal. Khadar areas are well-suited for intensive agriculture.

(ii) The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats
Western Ghats:
The Western Ghats are higher in elevation compared to the Eastern Ghats, ranging from 900 to 1600 meters. They cause orographic rain and have peaks like Anai Mudi (2,695 meters) and Doda Betta (2,637 meters).

Eastern Ghats:The Eastern Ghats stretch from the Mahanadi Valley to the Nigiris in the south. The Eastern Ghats are discontinuous and irregular and dissected by rivers draining into the Bay of Bengal. Mahendragiri (1,501 metres) is the highest peak in the Eastern Ghats. Shevroy Hills and the Javadi Hills are located to the southeast of the Eastern Ghats.

4. Which are the major physiographic divisions of India? Contrast the relief of the Himalayan region with that of the Peninsular plateau
Answer: The major physiographic divisions of India are

  1. The Himalayan Mountains
  2. The Northern Plains
  3. The Peninsular Plateau
  4. The Indian Desert
  5. The Coastal Plains
  6. The Islands

Contrast the relief of Himalayan region and Peninsular Plateau
Answer: The Himalayan region and the Peninsular Plateau in India have contrasting relief features. The Himalayas are a relatively young and unstable mountain range, characterized by high peaks, deep valleys, and fast-flowing rivers. In contrast, the Peninsular Plateau is an ancient and stable landmass composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks, with gently rising hills and wide valleys. The northern plains, situated between these two regions, are formed by alluvial deposits from the Himalayan rivers.

5. Give an account of the Northern Plains of India.
Answer: The Northern Plains in India are formed by the deposition of alluvial soil from the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra rivers. It is a fertile and densely populated region known for its agricultural productivity. The plains are divided into the Punjab Plains, the Ganga plain, and the Brahmaputra plain. The region has diverse relief features, including the bhabar belt where rivers deposit pebbles and the terai region characterized by wet and marshy areas. Overall, the Northern Plains are a vital agricultural and cultural region in India.

6. Write short notes on the following.

(i) The Indian Desert

Answer: The Indian desert, situated in the western part of the Aravali Hills, is an arid region characterized by undulating sandy plains and sand dunes. It receives very little rainfall, with an average of less than 150 mm per year. The desert has a dry climate and limited vegetation. Temporary streams appear during the rainy season, but they do not reach the sea due to water scarcity. The Luni River is the major river in this desert region.

(ii) The Central Highlands
Answer: The Central Highlands and Deccan Plateau are important parts of the Peninsular plateau. The Central Highlands, located north of the Narmada River, include the Malwa plateau and extend eastward into Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand. The Chotanagpur plateau further extends eastward and is drained by the Damodar River. These regions have elevated terrain and distinct geological features.

(iii) The Island groups of India
Lakshadweep Islands
The Lakshadweep Islands are a small group of coral islands with an area of 32 sq km. They were previously called Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindive. Kavaratti Island is the administrative headquarters, and the islands are known for their diverse flora and fauna. Pitti Island serves as a bird sanctuary.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are an elongated chain of islands in the Bay of Bengal. They are divided into the Andaman Islands in the north and the Nicobar Islands in the south. These islands are believed to be elevated portions of underwater mountains. They are strategically important and known for their diverse flora and fauna. The islands have an equatorial climate and dense forest cover.

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