class 6 geography chapter 3 questions and answers: Motions of the Earth ,JKBOSE/State board

class 6 geography chapter 3 questions and answers: Motions of the Earth ,JKBOSE/State board


 class 6 geography chapter 3 questions and answers: Motions of the Earth

class 6 geography chapter 3 questions and answers: Motions of the Earth ncert

 1. Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) What is the angle of inclination of the Earth’s axis with its orbital plane?
The angle of inclination of the Earth’s axis with its orbital plane is 66½°.

(b) Define rotation and revolution.
The movement of the Earth on its axis is known as rotation. This rotation causes day and night. On the other hand, the movement of the Earth around the Sun in a fixed path or orbit is called revolution. This revolution takes approximately 365.25 days to complete, resulting in the change of seasons.

(c) What is a leap year?
A leap year has 366 days instead of 365, and it occurs every four years. During a leap year, February has 29 days instead of the usual 28.

(d) Differentiate between the Summer and Winter Solstice.
Summer Solstice: On 21st June, when the Southern Hemisphere enters winter and the Northern Hemisphere experiences summer, the Earth reaches its position known as the Summer Solstice.

Winter Solstice: On 22nd December, when the Southern Hemisphere enters summer and the Northern Hemisphere experiences winter, the Earth reaches its position known as the Winter Solstice.

(e) What is an equinox?
During the equinox, which occurs on 21st March and 23rd September, the direct rays of the Sun fall on the equator. In this position, neither of the Earth's poles is tilted towards the Sun. As a result, the entire Earth experiences equal lengths of day and night. This phenomenon is known as an equinox.

(f) Why does the Southern Hemisphere experience Winter and Summer Solstice at different times than that of the Northern Hemisphere?
The Earth is always spinning and is divided into two parts: the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The side facing the Sun has summer, while the opposite side experiences winter. Due to this, the Winter and Summer Solstice happen at different times in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

(g) Why do the poles experience about six months of day and six months of night?
Due to the Earth's tilt on its axis, the poles experience six months of continuous daylight followed by six months of continuous darkness. This tilt causes one pole to be inclined towards the Sun while the other pole is inclined away from the Sun for six months at a time. This phenomenon is responsible for the extended periods of daylight and darkness at the poles.

2. Tick the correct answers.

(a) The movement of the Earth around the Sun is known as

(i) Rotation (ii) Revolution (iii) Inclination

(b) Direct rays of the Sun fall on the equator on

(i) 21 March (ii) 21 June (iii) 22 December

(c) Christmas is celebrated in summer in

(i) Japan (ii) India (iii) Australia

(d) Cycle of the seasons is caused due to

(i) Rotation (ii) Revolution (iii) Gravitation

Answer 2.

  1. (ii) Revolution
  2. (i) 21 March
  3. (iii) Australia
  4. (ii) Revolution
3. Fill in the blanks.

(a) A leap year has _______________  days.

(b) The daily motion of the Earth is _______________.

(c) The Earth travels around the Sun in ______________ orbit.

(d) The Sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of ___________ on 21st June.

(e) Days are shorter during ___________ season.

Answer 3.

(a) A leap year has 366 days.

(b) The daily motion of the Earth is rotation.

(c) The Earth travels around the Sun in an elliptical orbit.

(d) The Sun’s rays fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer on 21st June.

(e) Days are shorter during the winter season.

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