Mcqs on metal & non metal , JKSSB Science

Mcqs on metal & non metal , JKSSB Science




1. Which of the following is a physical property of metals?

a) Brittle
b) Low electrical conductivity
c) Dull appearance
d) High thermal conductivity
The correct answer is d) High thermal conductivity.

2. Which non-metal is commonly used in making pencils due to its ability to leave marks on paper?

a) Carbon
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Hydrogen
The correct answer is a) Carbon.

3. Non-metals are generally poor conductors of:

a) Heat and electricity
b) Heat only
c) Electricity only
d) None of the above
The correct answer is a) Heat and electricity.

4. Which non-metal is a liquid at room temperature?

a) Bromine
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Carbon
The correct answer is a) Bromine.

5. Which of the following metals is known for its excellent corrosion resistance?

a) Gold
b) Iron
c) Copper
d) Aluminum
The correct answer is a) Gold.

6. The most abundant non-metal in the Earth's crust is:

a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon
d) Hydrogen
The correct answer is a) Oxygen.

7. Which property of metals allows them to be drawn into thin wires?

a) Ductility
b) Malleability
c) Conductivity
d) Brittleness
The correct answer is a) Ductility.

8. Sodium reacts vigorously with water to produce:

a) Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas
b) Sodium chloride and oxygen gas
c) Sodium oxide and water vapor
d) Sodium sulfate and hydrogen gas
The correct answer is a) Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

9. Which of the following non-metals is used as a disinfectant and in water purification?

a) Chlorine
b) Sulfur
c) Oxygen
d) Nitrogen
The correct answer is a) Chlorine.

10. Which metal is commonly used in making coins due to its resistance to corrosion?

a) Copper
b) Silver
c) Iron
d) Aluminum
The correct answer is b) Silver.

11. Which property of metals allows them to be hammered into thin sheets?

a) Malleability
b) Ductility
c) Conductivity
d) Reactivity
The correct answer is a) Malleability.

12. Fluorine is a highly reactive non-metal and belongs to the group of elements called:

a) Halogens
b) Alkaline earth metals
c) Noble gases
d) Transition metals
The correct answer is a) Halogens.

13. Which metal is used in the manufacture of aircraft due to its lightweight and high strength?

a) Aluminum
b) Copper
c) Iron
d) Lead
The correct answer is a) Aluminum.

14. Which non-metal is used in the manufacture of fertilizers and matches?

a) Sulfur
b) Oxygen
c) Hydrogen
d) Carbon
The correct answer is a) Sulfur.

15. Which non-metal is a major component of proteins and nucleic acids?

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon
c) Hydrogen
d) Nitrogen
The correct answer is d) Nitrogen.

16. Which property of non-metals makes them poor conductors of heat and electricity?

a) Insulation
b) Malleability
c) Reactivity
d) Ductility
The correct answer is a) Insulation.

17. Which metal is commonly used in electrical contacts and wiring due to its good electrical conductivity?

a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Aluminum
d) Iron
The correct answer is b) Silver.

18. Which non-metal is a major component of organic molecules and forms the basis of life?

a) Carbon
b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen
d) Oxygen
The correct answer is a) Carbon.

19. Which metal is used in making electrical wires due to its high electrical conductivity?

a) Aluminum
b) Copper
c) Nickel
d) Lead
The correct answer is b) Copper.

20. Which non-metal is a major component of proteins and nucleic acids?

a) Oxygen
b) Carbon
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
The correct answer is c) Nitrogen.

21. Which metal is used in the construction of aircraft and space shuttles due to its high strength-to-weight ratio?

a) Titanium
b) Aluminum
c) Copper
d) Iron
The correct answer is a) Titanium.

22. Which non-metal is used in the production of fertilizers and explosives?

a) Sulfur
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Carbon
The correct answer is a) Sulfur.

23. Which metal is a liquid at room temperature?

a) Mercury
b) Gold
c) Iron
d) Copper
The correct answer is a) Mercury.

24. Which non-metal is essential for respiration and combustion?

a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon
d) Hydrogen
The correct answer is a) Oxygen.

25. Which property of metals allows them to be bent and twisted into various shapes?

a) Malleability
b) Ductility
c) Conductivity
d) Brittleness
The correct answer is a) Malleability.

26. Which non-metal is known as the "mirthful gas" due to its use in balloons?

a) Hydrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Helium
The correct answer is d) Helium.

27. Which metal is often used as a protective coating for iron to prevent corrosion?

a) Zinc
b) Silver
c) Gold
d) Aluminum
The correct answer is a) Zinc.

28. Which non-metal is used in the production of glass and as a fire extinguisher?

a) Carbon
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Phosphorus
The correct answer is c) Oxygen.

29. Which metal is the best conductor of electricity?

a) Silver
b) Copper
c) Aluminum
d) Gold
The correct answer is a) Silver.

30. Which non-metal is used in the production of fertilizers and explosives?

a) Sulfur
b) Nitrogen
c) Oxygen
d) Carbon
The correct answer is a) Sulfur.

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